I can't say I'm sad my MFA course has finished, I'm knackered! AND my wrist still isn't right. But we did all pass! I think I'll need a few more weeks settling in back home before I can reflect properly...
There was an interesting comment from one tutor about The Bed's Above My Head and I'm Tired, 2011, that it made him think about Sisyphus.
"In Greek Mythology Sisyphus ( /ˈsɪsəfəs/; Greek: Σίσυφος Sísyphos) was a king punished by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. He is also found in Roman mythology.
The word "sisyphean" means "endless and unavailing, as labor or a task".
This interests me a lot as my work always ends up involving a intense period of 'proper graft'. Maybe it's to combat the artist guilt I sometimes feel...on those days when you think you should just grow up and do a 'proper job'. The thing is, you end up doing both anyway and that's the reality. Maybe I don't value my work if I don't feel like it's been a physical battle as well as mental one???
It's been busy since getting back to home to Liverpool and my attention has been taken by 'everything else'. It did strike me the other day this piece doesn't exist anymore...I think I've blocked out the smashing it up part. Crazy. All that work, ah well it's not worth dwelling on, it's not like this hasn't happened before, I really need to start making portable work!!!
still in progress at this point...
in progress...
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
The Bed's Above My Head And I'm Tired, 2011
Thanks Simon.
Thanks Tim.