Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm trying...

I'm trying to be a blogger!

I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Jayne and I'm an Artist.

I like to make stuff, I've used so many different materials and if I had to call myself anything I'd say I'm a sculptor. I don't think I sculpt though I think I construct. Anyway, right now I'm a studying at Bath Spa Uni doing my MFA and we've just started our last semester.

my truly amazing new studio space for the summer

collected these bits from Bristol Wood Recycle Project

This week's been intense, it began with my macbook being stolen which was just crap beyond belief then got crapper after receiving the dreaded academic feedback from our last assessment which always leaves me wondering who's work they've looked at. It reminds me of when you go to a match, Oh yeah, I'm also a gigantic Liverpool FC fan, and you get into the pub after and start talking about it and you're saying to yourself, 'what game were they at!? As their interpretation of incidents were nothing like yours!

So, I've decided that maybe doing this will give me somewhere to go to get things off my chest and could be a good way to think about ideas and what not. I'm looking for loads of wood right now, the older the better to build with...this is working towards our final show. I also have another project on-going called L5-6QW which was a response to my family home in Liverpool being 'tinned' up. This was made using the same steel as security firms use to tin up empty houses all over the country.

I'll post some pics...damn just remembered my L5-6QW pics are on the mac!