Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I've only gone and got myself two followers!

Eek, this is showbiz! OK, so I know them both, doesn't matter does it?

So, it's a funny old world this Art world I'm in...when you're down you're really down and it's like anything you've ever made becomes irrelevant or crap and you think you're useless. That's pretty much how I've felt all week but today, as I chatted to Derek (the loveliest man at the Wiltshire Recycle Centre) I thought well...I may not be academic student of the year, far from it according to sources high up in the academic snow capped mountains but I do meet people through my projects, loads of them! And, it always makes me really happy. The best bit is that they always seem so happy to help, it makes me feel good, in a warm good proper good kind of way. Dead Good. The fella today said he's enjoyed helping us and I know he meant it. He even brought out a pot of tea. I didn't try the compost loo they had there though, was too scared...

All this meeting and chatting to people on the 'outside' especially through the L5 6QW project (which is ongoing) made me realise why I like Jeremy Deller's work so much, it always involves so many members of the community, he thrives on it and I'm beginning to realise that I enjoy the meeting and negotiating side of my work a lot and I need to make more of it in my documentation for the next and final assessment. This is a good turning point I think in my practice. I need others to see what I'm doing, they need hard physical evidence...

L5 6QW, ongoing project, current location Wiltshire.
Perma screen steel boxes
8 60cmsq boxes each 10ft high

So, I have loads more wood and I can't wait to play with it...also one of my fellow classmates said she really likes my stuff today, it was a timely and unexpected comment that gave me a boost.

On the MacBook front, insurance form's filled in and sent back...fingers crossed.


  1. I like your work! Don't worry to much about the academics side of it, they are probably trying to label your art and fit you into a particular mold. As long as you enjoy doing it, that's what is important. I've lost my way because I became so considered with what other people wanted my art to be. So I'm always happy to see your work because I know it's truly what you wanted it to be.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If in doubt just think, "What would Stass do?"
